Sabtu, 29 November 2014

How to change rom Lenovo A316i to be Xperia Papyrus 2014

Welcome to localtechno, this time localtechno will share something with you all, the tips and tricks this time is about changing your A316i lenovo mobile phone, into the ROM xperia papyrus, how to measure it and what you should do, let us consider the following tips and tricks this :

First, you must have done a root on the target phone, if still not rooted then you can read the article, how to root the phone china easily HERE.

Second, your mobile phone must be installed CWM recovery, if not you can read HERE.

Third, download the ROM xperia HERE, then after the download is complete,
place the xperia ROM on the sdcard and do not enter into the folder.

Fourth, reboot into CWM recovery menu, you can do it by :

1. Turn off HP, press the power button and volume up simultaneously and
hold until the boot selection menu appears on the HP, then select recovery.

2. Delete user data, cache partititon and Dalvik cache.

3. Select from sd card, select the ROM who have downloaded earlier, and
select install.

Wait until the process is completed and enjoy Lenovo A316i, with a sense of the Sony Xperia ;)

Look this Screenshot :

Thanks for coming and don't forget give this blog spirit from your like :)

Selasa, 25 November 2014

Cara install CWM Recovery di lenovo a316i work 100%

Salam Localtechno, salam hangat untuk sobat semua he he he bagaimana kabar hari ini, localtechno harap fine fine aja ya.... :)

Kali ini localtechno bakal berbagi tips dan trick buat sobat semua tentang install CWM Recovery di HH Lenovo A316i nah sobat pasti bertanya tanya apa sich CWM itu.....

Secara singkat CWM kepanjangan dari ClockworkMod Recovery yang tentunya tidak ada pada sebuah sistem android standart karena perbedaan antara CWM standart dan CWM costume itu lebih banyak CWM yang sudah di costume yang menyediakan berbagai fitur antara lain backup, restore, install zip file, clean cache partiiton, clean user data, clean dalvik dll.

Nah nggak perlu panjang lebar lagi langsung aja saya kasih tips dan trick nya :

Note : sebelum install CWM HH sobat sudah harus kondisi Rooted kalo belum tau cara root HH china bisa baca di SINI

1. Sobat localtechno download dulu file CWM for lenovo A316i di SINI

Extract file tersebut dan install dulu recoverytools.apk atau bisa pergi ke playstore pada alamat berikut :

Setelah melakukan installasi jangan di run dulu, pindahkan dulu file Lenovo-A316i_140401__recovery_by_rd_08.img di sdcard jangan taruh di dalam folder taruh di luar okey :)

2. Jalankan app [ROOT] Rashr - Flash Tool yang sudah di install tadi dan pilih :

  • FLash Recovery
  • Other From Storage
  • Pilih Lenovo-A316i_140401__recovery_by_rd_08.img
  • kemudian pilih Yes, Please jika ada pernyataan reboot into recovery now sobat bisa pilih yes atau no, terserah kebutuhan sobat. 

Nah mudah bukan dan nggak terlalu ribet, Localtechno berharap sobat dapat memahami dan mengerti apa yang sudah di sampaikan tadi, semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa like ya... thanks for coming... see you next week and by... :)